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You don�t NEED to use a command line with a Mac. But it�s there if you want it.
I have one open 100% of the time I�m using my Mac. But I�m unusual.
I don�t see what�s so astonishing about your experience.
R. Scott Granneman
***@granneman.com ~ www.granneman.com ~ granneman.tel
Full list of publications @ http://www.granneman.com/publications
My latest book: Mac OS X for Power Users @ http://www.granneman.com/books
�All great truths begin as blasphemies.�
---George Bernard Shaw
Post by Robert CitekMethinks, you're asking the wrong people. ;)
Might want to ask one of the three guys in the front row at this Rails
- Robert
Post by Mike B.Today, after more than a year asking random people with Macs, I came across
someone who not only knows what the command line is, but uses it.
I have asked well over one hundred people over the past year. Not one until
now had any idea they had a terminal program, let alone how to open it.
Wow. Just wow.
Of course, this guy programs web sites.
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