log if a script runs long
Robert Citek
2013-03-12 12:03:54 UTC
Hello all,

I have a script that runs out of crontab that occasionally runs longer
than some time limit. I would like the script to log when and only
when it runs longer than some timelimit.

Here was the initial prototype for the script:

sleep $sleeptime
date >> /tmp/log.txt
) &
sleep $runtime
kill $bg

This works for $runtime greater than $sleeptime. However, when
$runtime is less than $sleeptime, killing the parent process orphans
the sleep command. When I run this command several times, I end up
with lots of orphaned sleep processes.

The quick-n-dirty solution was to substitute this for..loop for the
sleep command:

for((i=0;i<$sleeptime;i++)) ; do sleep 1 ; done

It works good-enough, but am looking for a more elegant solution.

Any thoughts?

- Robert
Central West End Linux Users Group (via Google Groups)
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David Dooling
2013-03-13 00:45:22 UTC
Does it count as elegant if you use ps? Something like:

sleep_pid=$(ps -ef | awk "\$3 == $bg && \$8 ~ /sleep/ { print $2 }")
kill $bg $sleep_pid

where the first awk conditional targets children of the background process.
This may have a race condition if $sleep_pid responds to the kill before
Post by Robert Citek
Hello all,
I have a script that runs out of crontab that occasionally runs longer
than some time limit. I would like the script to log when and only
when it runs longer than some timelimit.
sleep $sleeptime
date >> /tmp/log.txt
) &
sleep $runtime
kill $bg
This works for $runtime greater than $sleeptime. However, when
$runtime is less than $sleeptime, killing the parent process orphans
the sleep command. When I run this command several times, I end up
with lots of orphaned sleep processes.
The quick-n-dirty solution was to substitute this for..loop for the
for((i=0;i<$sleeptime;i++)) ; do sleep 1 ; done
It works good-enough, but am looking for a more elegant solution.
Any thoughts?
- Robert
Central West End Linux Users Group (via Google Groups)
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David Dooling
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Robert Citek
2013-03-17 05:02:48 UTC
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It does. And substitute using process groups instead of process ids:

pgid=$(ps h -o "%r" -p ${bg})
kill -- -${pgid}

The ps command returns the process group of the background process.

But the reason this works is a bit of luck because the kill command is
the last command. The kill command will kill all processes in the
same process group id. The "sleep" child process will be in that
group as well as the sleep's parent shell. But so will the script
itself. So that kill is killing all the script's child processes and

For example, a script like this will kill off the child sleep process,
but will never echo "world" :

( sleep 20 ) &
pgid=$(ps h -o "%r" -p ${bg})
echo "hello"
kill -- -${pgid}
echo "world"

The optimal solution would be to have some tool that does one of two things:
1) given a process id, kills all child processes (I would have thought
that this would be a option to kill)
... or
2) given a process id, returns a list of child pids that can be passed to kill.

For a reasonably good description of processes, process groups,
sessions, and threads:


And to view them all:

$ ps jx -L | sort -k4,4n -k3,3n -k1,1n -k2,2n -k7,7n -k5,5n | less -iX -S

- Robert
Post by David Dooling
sleep_pid=$(ps -ef | awk "\$3 == $bg && \$8 ~ /sleep/ { print $2 }")
kill $bg $sleep_pid
where the first awk conditional targets children of the background process.
This may have a race condition if $sleep_pid responds to the kill before
Post by Robert Citek
Hello all,
I have a script that runs out of crontab that occasionally runs longer
than some time limit. I would like the script to log when and only
when it runs longer than some timelimit.
sleep $sleeptime
date >> /tmp/log.txt
) &
sleep $runtime
kill $bg
This works for $runtime greater than $sleeptime. However, when
$runtime is less than $sleeptime, killing the parent process orphans
the sleep command. When I run this command several times, I end up
with lots of orphaned sleep processes.
The quick-n-dirty solution was to substitute this for..loop for the
for((i=0;i<$sleeptime;i++)) ; do sleep 1 ; done
It works good-enough, but am looking for a more elegant solution.
Any thoughts?
- Robert
Central West End Linux Users Group (via Google Groups)
Main page: http://www.cwelug.org
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David Dooling
Central West End Linux Users Group (via Google Groups)
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